Monday 20 November 2017

Copying file Content\Images\tab-close.gif to obj\Release\Package\PackageTmp\Content\Images\tab-close.gif failed. Could not find file 'Content\Images\tab-close.gif' While Publishing through File System in Visual Studio.

In this article, We will discuss How to resolve issue Could not find file 'Content\Images\tab-close.gif' While Publishing through File System in Visual Studio.

Well to resolve this issue, first we have to know What is the issue all about.

It is saying that "tab-close.gif" Could not find under Content\Images location.

To Resolve this Issue We need to goto Content\Images location and check Whether "tab-close.gif" exists or not. If not Exists we need to add that image. 

OtherWise there Will be another case that previously this image was exists but now removed and that Will Show in a "Yellow Color" mark. To make it resolve We need to either remove that "Yellow Color" mark by right click on it otherwise need to add that image.

After this, Publish again and it will Succeed.


  1. You delete the file from project folder and still history on your project solution explorer, go to images folder delete the image with atention flag in yelow.

    rebuild the project then publish
