Tuesday 14 November 2017

Formatting of numbers by Trailing Zeros in C#.

In this article, We will discuss about How to add Trailing Zeros in a String in C#.

Well, there will be Situation while development or sometimes client requirement to add Trailing Zeros to particular String and display in a Grid or SomeWhere else.

To implement Trailing Zeros in String, We have a PadRight() exist which will do the Work for Us.

PadRight() takes 2 parameters as int totalWidth(Total Width of String) and char paddingChar(Replaced by Which Char).

Let me take an example to implement Trailing Zeros.

string strNumber="123";

In this strNumber, We will apply the Trailing Zeros and Which is given below,

string strTrailingNumber=strNumber.PadRight(6,'0');

So, the output of strTrailingNumber is "123000".


string strNumber="";

In this strNumber, We will apply the Trailing Zeros and Which is given below,

string strTrailingNumber=strNumber.PadRight(6,'0');

So, here the output of strTrailingNumber is "000000".


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