Tuesday 7 November 2017

Null-Conditional Operator in C# 6.0

Null-Conditional Operator is a new Concept in C# 6.0 that is useful when we want to check the null condition of an object or reference data type.  We can write an in-line null-conditional with the ? and ?? operators.
                Condition ? if true ?? if false
namespace ConsoleApplication2
    class Program
        class Employee
            public string Name { getset; }
            public Address EmpAddress { getset; }

        class Address
            public string HomeAddress { getset; }
            public string OfficeAddress { getset; }
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Employee emp = new Employee();
            emp.Name = "Max";
            emp.EmpAddress = new Address()
                HomeAddress = "Street",
                OfficeAddress = "Street1"
            Console.WriteLine((emp?.EmpAddress ?.HomeAddress ?? "Nothing"));

In the above example I created 2 class and which contain Some of the Properties and in the main method we assign the value to those properties. However, in this Statement,
It will show Employee Name if it is not null.
Console.WriteLine((emp?.EmpAddress ?.HomeAddress ?? "Nothing"));

In the above Statement  if emp?.EmpAddress is not null then it will access HomeAddress else it will Show “Nothing “ in EmpAddress.


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