Saturday 10 February 2018

Difference between List and IEnumerable in C#.

In this article, We will discuss about What is the difference between List and IEnumerable in C#.

- List is a Class.
- List is not read-only.
- We can able to add,delete items into List.


      public ActionResult Index()
            SampleEntities obj = new SampleEntities();

            var memList=(from x in obj.Memberships select x).ToList();

            return View();

In the above example, We conside Index action method where memList is a List  and Whose add,delete method exists and Which is Shown in below figure,

- IEnumerable is an Interface.
- IEnumerable is read-only.
- We can not able to add, delete items into IEnumerable because it is read-only.


public ActionResult Index()
            SampleEntities obj = new SampleEntities();

            IEnumerable<Employee> objMem = _iemployeerepository.getListOfEmployee();

            return View();

In the above example, We conside Index action method where memList is an IEnumerable  and Whose add,delete method does not exists and Which is Shown in below figure,

Note:- Depend upon the Situation we need to Use List and IEnumerable.


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