Thursday, 12 April 2018

Angular 2 Features.

In this article, We will discuss about what are the different angular 2 features.

1/ Component Based Architecture:-
Angular Provides Complete Object Oriented Programming Support, this leads to reusability, unit testable and loosely coupled programming.

2/ Data Binding Support:-
The relation between Class Variable and Html Control is called data binding, in this case the variable value will be given to html control and vice versa without 
manual coding.

3/ Uses Html element properties and events:-
Angular Uses Html element properties and events like onclick but here the syntax is like (click).

4/ Angular is available for Client Side and Server Side Programming:-
Angular can be used for server side programming with the help of Angular Universal , it can be used with Node.js and core for Server Side Programming.

5/ More Languages Support:-
Angular Supports different language for app development.

* javascript5[ES5]
* javascript6[ES6|ES2015]
* typescript
* dart
6/ Mobile App Support:-
Angular can be used for mobile app development using ionic 2 framework.

7/ Builtin Validation Support:-
Angular Supports 2 types of validations.
i/ MDF(Model Driven Form) validations :-
this will apply validations to class properties.
ii/ TDF(Template Driven Form) validations:-
this will apply validations to webpage controls.

8/ Routing Support:-
Routing will provide navigation between webpages.

9/ Service Creation is Simple:-
Class with business logic is called Service, this will be reusable across different components.

10/ Dependency Injection Support:-
Injecting Class dependencies through a constructor is called "dependency injection".

11/ Compile time typechecking:-
Angular Supports Compile time datatype checking based on datatypes by typescript.

12/ Ajax Support:-
Angular app can call REST API methods using ajax to communicate with database.


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